ARTICLE 1. Current edition
The 37th edition of the Tunis-Carthage COMAR Marathon will be held on Sunday, December 05, 2023 by COMAR Insurance under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and in partnership with the Tunisian Athletics Federation (FTA).
This event includes the following three races: The Marathon (42.195 km), the Half Marathon (21.1 km) and the Race for All (5 km).
The FTA adopts the male and female COMAR marathon races (42.195 km) as the Tunisian championships 2023 for this discipline,with (minimum) time limits of 2h30'00'' for male Tunisian runners and 3h00'00'' for female Tunisian runners.
ARTICLE 2. The course
The course is in conformity with the national and international regulations in force. It is certified and approved by "World Athletics". The length of the course is certified by an expert measurer recognized by AIMS and World Athletics. The course is measured using the "Calibrated Bicycle" method.
The course is located on a public road where road traffic is stopped for the duration of the competitions (5h00).
The organizers reserve the exclusive right to modify the course(s).
ARTICLE 3. Participation
1- The 3 races are open to athletes licensed or not, men, women, Tunisians and foreigners who are residents in Tunisia or not.
2- Participants in the marathon will have a maximum time of 5 hours to complete the course to the finish line. Once the maximum time has passed and after the passage of the vehicle of the end of the race (broom wagon), the competitors shall be required to comply with the rules of the road traffic (road code).
3- Participants arriving after the time limit indicated above shall be disqualified and discounted from ranking.
4- The start of the time for all the runners will be done at the pistol shot given by the organization.
ARTICLE 4. Ranking
1- The ranking shall be determined separately by:
a- - Distance: Race for all (5 km) - The Half Marathon (21,1 km) - The Marathon (42,195 km), kids Marathon.
b- Gender: Male (M) / Female (F).
c- By age category for the Half Marathon and the Marathon as follows:
Seniors | SE | 1983 and before | Under 40 |
Masters | V1 | From 1982 to 1973 | From 40 to 49 |
V2 | From 1972 to 1963 | From 50 to 59 | |
V3 | 1962 and before | 60 and more |
2- The ranking lists will be available free of charge 24 hours after the race on the Marathon website: www.marathon.comar.tn.
ARTICLE 5. The « Kids Marathon »
A race for children between 7 and 14 years old called "Kids Marathon" shall be organized. Its departure will be at the Avenue Med V, just after the departure of the three races (race for all, half marathon and marathon). No ranking shall be taken into account for this race.
Nevertheless, prizes will be awarded to the first 3 runners as an incentive. Children can only be registered by their parents/guardians under whose authority they will participate in the race. Therefore, children remain under the responsibility of their guardians before, during and after the race.
1- Registrations are open online at www.marathon.comar.tn until Sunday 20/11/2023.
2- Registrations are open at the registration office office at the headquarters of COMAR, Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Imm. COMAR-Tunis, from November 18 to December 01, 2024 (working days) from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (the offices are closed on Sundays and holidays).
3- Registration fees: shall apply only to the Marathon and Half-Marathon. Two payment options are available: online by credit card or by e-dinar card and at the cash desk at our registration office COMAR.
3-1- Registration fees for the Marathon and Half-Marathon / participant::
a- Online payment:
- 15 DT for Tunisians, foreigners resident in Tunisia and for clubs not affiliated to the FTA.
- 15 euros for foreigners not resident in Tunisia.
- Free of charge for associations and clubs affiliated to the Tunisian Athletics Federation (FTA).
b- Payment at the registration office COMAR:
- 20 DT for an individual registration and for clubs not affiliated to the FTA.
- Free of charge for associations and clubs affiliated to the Tunisian Athletics Federation (FTA).
3-2 For the race for all and the Kids Marathon, participation can be either free or paid for the environmental cause.
The runners who choose to participate in the environmental cause of this edition may pay their race numbers (amount of their choosing) and the amount of their participation shall be converted into number of trees: 1 Dinar collected = 1 Tree planted.
The payment can be done online or at the registration desk.
The funds collected through participation in all races (Marathon, Half-Marathon, race for all and kids-Marathon) shall be invested in reforestation of areas devastated by fires, in partnership with "Tounes Clean Up" association.
All registrations being irrevocable and final, no refunds shall be made in case of registration error, disqualification for medical reasons, unavailability, ...
No transfer of registration shall be authorized for any reason whatsoever.
4- Minors between 15 and 18 years old can only be registered under the authority of their clubs, their school or another official structure or with the written authorization of their guardians.
5- The delivery of the race numbers shall take place at our office at the headquarters of COMAR, Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Imm. COMAR-Tunis from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (the office is closed on Sundays and holidays).
Each participant (or his guardian) shall be required to sign an undertaking when receiving race numbers.
6- Clubs and associations:
6-1- Clubs and associations affiliated to the FTA: may register online or by sending or presenting a list of names of the participating athletes with their dates of birth, gender, license and CIN numbers, by mail (letter, fax: 71 257 424, E-mail : marathon@comar.tn)or by going to the registration office. A copy of the license and CIN of each participant shall be attached to the lists.
The COMAR marathon undertaking is not required at the time of registration for clubs and associations affiliated to the Tunisian Athletics Federation (FTA).
6-2-Clubs not affiliated to the FTA:can register by sending or presenting a list of names of the participating athletes with indication of their dates of birth, gender, numbers of the identification, by mail (letter, fax: : 71 257 424,E-mail : marathon@comar.tn)or by going to the registration office. A copy of the CIN of each participant shall be attached to the lists.
A COMAR marathon undertaking signed by each participant (or his/her guardian) shall be required for registration.
In any case, the race numbers must be collected from the registration office between November 18 and December 01, 2024.
7- The maximum number of people to be registered per race shall be limited as follows:
RACE FOR ALL (5 KMS) | 2500 | 15 YEARS | *** |
Semi-MARATHON (21,1 KMS) | 4500 | 15 YEARS | *** |
MARATHON (42,195 KMS) | 1000 | 18 YEARS | *** |
8-The Organizing Committee shall reserve the right to close the registrations, as soon as the above limits are reached.
9- In order to take part in the races, each runner shall be required to have proper clothing and footwear:
- A clean outfit, designed and worn so as not to offend, nor shall it obstruct the vision of the judges in any way.
- Shoes not constructed in such a way as to give the athletes any additional unfair assistance.
Each runner shall be required to wear the race number on the stomach.
Participants in the Marathon (42,195Km) and Half Marathon (21,1Km) shall be running wearing jerseys equipped with electronic chips.
In order for the chip to be detected on the time-keeping strip, the latter shall be installed at the start, finish and intermediate lines, and the runners shall undertake:
- Not to fold or crumple their race numbers from the time they receive it until the end of the race.
- Not to peel off the bands.
- If wearing a jacket over their race numbers, to open while passing over the time-keeping strip
- To pass under the arch for the finish and the start as an absolute necessity.
ARTICLE 7. Start of the races
1- The departure of the Marathon shall be set at 8:00 am. The Race for All and the Half Marathon shall be set at 8:15 am while the Kids Marathon shall depart at 8:20 am at the level of the Avenue Mohamed V near Place 14 Janvier (14 of January Square).
2- Competitors shall be required to gather at the starting point at 7:00 am for the Race for All, the Half Marathon and the Marathon and at 7:30 am for the "Kids Marathon".
3- A warm-up session shall be scheduled for all participants between 7:00 and 7:45 am, at the Terre-plein central of the 14th January Square.
In case of failure of the timing system "chip-mounted race numbers" on the day of the Marathon, it will be proceeded to the registration of the runners and to their call for departure: Any participant, not registered at the departure, shall be disqualified.
4- The call for the start will take place between 7:00 and 7:45.
ARTICLE 8. Refreshment and sponging
1- Refreshment stations: every 5 km at least and at the finish.
2-Sponge stations: from 7,5 km and between the refreshment stations.
ARTICLE 9. Control, safety and medical surveillance
1- To ensure the regular progress of the race, checkpoints shall be set up along the entire route.
2- Race stewards and security services, endowed with distinctive signs, shall ensure compliance with the rules.
3- Referees, endowed with distinctive signs, shall be appointed by the FTA. Their decisions shall be final and irrevocable.
4- Medical surveillance shall be provided:
- By ambulances on the course.
- By doctors and health technicians, stationed along the course.
- By two motorcycles on the course.
- By ambulance (sweep vehicle) at the end of the race.
- And by a medical antenna at the start and finish points.
5- Important notice :
a- The medical team shall be entitled to withdraw the race numbers and to put out of the race any competitor who seems unfit to continue the race.
b- Before getting into the ambulance, the runner shall have his/her number taken away by the medical team with no possibility to get it back under any circumstances.
c- Accompanying persons, even on bicycles, shall not be allowed.
d- Any runner who feels unwell during or at the end of the race and taken to a clinic or hospital shall receive treatment at his/her own expense.
e- Runners shall participate in the race under their own responsibility or that of their guardians. In case of accident or failure due to poor health, they alone are responsible with no possibility of pursuing any recourse against the organizers.
f- An anti-doping test shall be administered at the arrival of certain runners : the choice of runners shall be incumbent to the medical director of the marathon.
ARTICLE 10. Gift for all
A gift shall be offered to any participant who has completed the event in which he/she participated, upon presentation of his/her race number.
1- 1- Prizes in kind, cash prizes, medals and trophies shall be awarded to the winners. A diploma shall be awarded, upon request, to all runners who have completed the marathon within the maximum timeframe of five hours.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the senior runners who finish first in the marathon and half-marathon.
An official medal will be given at the finish line of the course to any athlete who has finished the 42,195 Km and 21,1Km races within the maximum time of 5h00.
ARTICLE 12. Insurance
The organizers shall underwrite an insurance policy covering the consequences of their civil liability, that of their employees and all participants in one of the races scheduled.
ARTICLE 13. Commitment
1- Participation in one of the scheduled races shall infer the express acceptance by each competitor of the Regulations deposited with Mr. Fahd El Moadhen, bailiff notary in Tunis.
2- Any undertaking shall be deemed personal, with no transfer of registration being authorized for any reason whatsoever. Any person transferring his or her race number to a third party shall be held accountable in case of an accident occurring or caused by the latter during the event. Any person with a number acquired in violation of these rules may be disqualified. The number must be fully legible during the race. The organization declines all responsibility in case of accident in this type of situation.
3- The competitor shall undertake not to jump start the race or shorten the distance for which he/she has registered.
ARTICLE 14. Image rights
By participating in the race, each competitor shall expressly authorize the organizers to use or make use of or reproduce his/her name, image, static or moving one, his/her voice along with his/her sports performance in the context of the race for any direct or derivative use of the event and this, on any medium, worldwide, by all means known or unknown to date, and for an unlimited period.
ARTICLE 15. Protection of personal data
1- In accordance with the law n° 2004-63 of July 24, 2004 governing the protection of personal data, each participant shall be entitled to gain access to and rectify any data concerning him/her that may appear in any file used by the organizer or the latter's service providers. Any competitor shall be entitled to exercise this right by contacting COMAR Assurances, Immeuble COMAR, Avenue Habib Bourguiba, 1001 Tunis or via the website https://www.comar.tn/form/demande-donnees-perso. This information, required for the processing of competitors’ files, shall be intended for the organizer.
2- This information may be transmitted to third parties for the purpose of managing the participation of competitors. These third parties may be suppliers, service providers, subcontractors or staff entrusted with certain tasks on behalf of the Organizer.
By subscribing to these rules, each participant shall expressly accept that his or her personal data may be transmitted to them, in accordance with the information provided on our website, standing as an integral part of the registration document that must be filled in, signed and sent to the COMAR registration office by the participant (or by his or her guardian if he or she is a minor) for the delivery of the race number.
All personal data processing pertaining to the runner along with transfers and health data shall be declared to the INPDP in accordance with the regulations in force.